OJS v3 ORCID integration & auto-update

The Redirect URI works as follows:

OJS has a set of addresses it can respond to.

  • OJS production: my public web address is http://ojsPublicAddress
  • OJS development: my restricted web address is: http://ojsPrivateAddress

OJS will append its address onto the OAuth request to ORCID:

  • https://orcid.org/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=secret&redirect_uri=http://ojsPublicAddress/orcidAuth
    For example, note that here OJS production is telling ORCID to redirect the user back to http://ojsPublicAddress/orcidAuth after successful login.

ORCID has a list of allowed redirect URIs per Client key:

  • permit: http://ojsPublicAddress
  • permit: http://ojsPrivateAddress
  • permit: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
    If ORCID does not recognize the URL is is given in the redirect request, it will not honor the OAuth request.