Describe the issue or problem
The “Username or Email” field on the OJS login screen appears to have a “maxlength” of 32, which is too short for long email addresses. This is preventing users with longer email addresses to log in via their email address.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:
- Go to 'Login"
- Enter more than 32 characters into the “Username or Email” field
- See how it doesn’t accept more than 32 characters
What application are you using?
Additional information
This 32 character limit seems to have been lifted from the “password reset” page earlier: see Remove restriction on email length · Issue #2143 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, and forum post OMP: field for email address is too short. If the login page is to accept email addresses (rather than usernames which do have a 32 charater limit), I think this maxlength should be removed or increased for the form field. From Add ability to login via Email · Issue #8871 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, I gather login via email is brand new (and great!) functionality, so this is probably just an oversight which needs to be fixed.