I tried to upgrade our ojs from to the latest.
I followed the documentation (https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/UPGRADE).
OJS produces an empty blank page, a null-page after upgrade.
The upgrade script not showed any output. I tried the upgrade via webservice with
same result (null-page, no output). All error log empty.
I switched on all debug options, but no result, no error log items at all.
No, there was no any output, just give back the prompt looks like do nothing.
I modified the upgrade script, I insert one echo line “Hi I am here!” into $OJS_HOME/lib/pkp/classes/cliTool/UpgradeTool.inc.php , but did not echoed. So I think the script was not executed at all…
And your php enviroment is ok? I mean, version, execution path and else.
Because it is weird any output (error or success) from this command.
Just to check, run this to verify your php version.
Yes, I have working PHP environment.
The default install page appears ( when ‘installed = Off’ ) as well as the update page with update button. After pressing update button I got empty page.
Same as with cli. ‘php tools/upgrade.php upgrade’ produced no output.
Ok, I’ve converted database to utf-8, upgrade finished without error. but I’ve got blank page in the browser after the upgrade.
No error message in the apache logs but this one:
PHP Notice: Deprecated call without request object. in /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 813
tail of the output of the upgrade script:
. #2218# OJS3: ‘Phone’ field 24-character limit #2223# Work around false returns from glob on some platforms during upgrade
Successfully upgraded to version
from PHP 7.0 on, mcrypt is depreciated. Do you know if there is a way to overcome this? My upgrade is still unresponsive (same behaviour as for @kollari).
My actual setting is php 5.64 (legacy) and OJS The current version does not display correctly in most of the web browsers (it worked fine until more or less a year ago), therefore I’m trying to update it to the latest OJS.
Here are the steps I executed:
1- update global php to php 7.3 stable (I tried both using the web interface and the .ovhconfig)
2- backup my current ojs files to a separate directory
3- download and unpack the ojs 3.2.1-1 to the ojs directory
4- replace new config.inc.php with the old config.inc.php
5- replace the new public directory with the old one
6a- upgrade via CLI:
php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
No message is printed to the screen
6b- so I tried via web interface; I first changed the installed=on to installed=off; after refreshing the website, blank page appears.