OJS upgrade from to the latest failed (blank screen no output))

I tried to upgrade our ojs from to the latest.
I followed the documentation (https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/UPGRADE).
OJS produces an empty blank page, a null-page after upgrade.
The upgrade script not showed any output. I tried the upgrade via webservice with
same result (null-page, no output). All error log empty.
I switched on all debug options, but no result, no error log items at all.

What did I do wrong?

Hi @kollarl

Don’t you get any error message when you run php script upgrade?
$ php tools/upgrade.php upgrade


No, there was no any output, just give back the prompt looks like do nothing.
I modified the upgrade script, I insert one echo line “Hi I am here!” into $OJS_HOME/lib/pkp/classes/cliTool/UpgradeTool.inc.php , but did not echoed. So I think the script was not executed at all…


And your php enviroment is ok? I mean, version, execution path and else.
Because it is weird any output (error or success) from this command.
Just to check, run this to verify your php version.

$ php --v


Yes, I have working PHP environment.
The default install page appears ( when ‘installed = Off’ ) as well as the update page with update button. After pressing update button I got empty page.
Same as with cli. ‘php tools/upgrade.php upgrade’ produced no output.

Here is the version of PHP

And your webserver error log (/var/log/) doesn’t show any message ?

P.S. Your php version is not shown in your previous post.

Yes, I mean no, there is no anyting in the logs. I switched on all debug options then I got the following:

Hi @kollari

Is your debug message empty?

Yes, no error messages at all even in the logs

Do you have how to install a OJS 3 from scratch (a fresh install) on this server to verify if it runs?

I guess you have not installed “mysql mysqli soap zip mbstring mcrypt gd”

Thank you,

You are right, I forgot to install them.

I could run upgrade script after the installation of missing php modules.

next problem is an error message during upgrade process:

1270: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ‘replace’
ADOConnection._Execute(UPDATE email_templates_default_data SET body=REPLACE(body, ‘{$editorialContactName}’, ‘Επιμελητές’) WHERE locale = 'el…, false)% line 1051, file: /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php
ADOConnection.Execute(UPDATE email_templates_default_data SET body=REPLACE(body, ‘{$editorialContactName}’, ‘Επιμελητές’) WHERE locale = 'el…)% line 440, file: /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/install/Installer.inc.php
Installer.executeSQL(UPDATE email_templates_default_data SET body=REPLACE(body, ‘{$editorialContactName}’, ‘Επιμελητές’) WHERE locale = 'el…)% line 435, file: /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/install/Installer.inc.php
Installer.executeSQL(Array[108])% line 396, file: /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/install/Installer.inc.php
Installer.executeAction(Array[3])% line 265, file: /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/install/Installer.inc.php
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ‘replace’

Ok, I’ve converted database to utf-8, upgrade finished without error. but I’ve got blank page in the browser after the upgrade.
No error message in the apache logs but this one:

PHP Notice: Deprecated call without request object. in /srv/www/htdocs/crs/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 813

tail of the output of the upgrade script:

#2218# OJS3: ‘Phone’ field 24-character limit
#2223# Work around false returns from glob on some platforms during upgrade
Successfully upgraded to version

from PHP 7.0 on, mcrypt is depreciated. Do you know if there is a way to overcome this? My upgrade is still unresponsive (same behaviour as for @kollari).

Hi @erupnik,

The mcrypt extension is no longer required/used, so that’s not a problem.

Which behaviour do you see? @kollarl described two separate problems. Did you try upgrade when this problem started, and if so, to which version?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

thanks for your quick answer!

My actual setting is php 5.64 (legacy) and OJS The current version does not display correctly in most of the web browsers (it worked fine until more or less a year ago), therefore I’m trying to update it to the latest OJS.

Here are the steps I executed:
1- update global php to php 7.3 stable (I tried both using the web interface and the .ovhconfig)
2- backup my current ojs files to a separate directory
3- download and unpack the ojs 3.2.1-1 to the ojs directory
4- replace new config.inc.php with the old config.inc.php
5- replace the new public directory with the old one
6a- upgrade via CLI:
php tools/upgrade.php upgrade

No message is printed to the screen

6b- so I tried via web interface; I first changed the installed=on to installed=off; after refreshing the website, blank page appears.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @erupnik,

I suspect you’ll find the reason in your PHP error log; cross-linking your other thread.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team