We are a University and we are planning to host OJS on our own servers. Will OJS run on Virtual Machine running on Active Hypervisor
- What are the CPU requirements
- What are the Memory requirements
- What are the storage requirements
- Can we install on Windows Server 2016 data center with IIS or we shall install it on Linux server such as Ubuntu server 20.04
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Hello @zimranazim,
Please see our administrators guide for references to appropriate system requirements: Managing the Server Environment. While it is feasible to run OJS on Windows servers, we find that most find it easier using Linux servers, partially because a lot of our documentation refers to linux commands, and a good number of our users host on Linux servers and share tips based on this environment. Best of luck with getting started with OJS!
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
Thank you for sharing the details, The administrator guide only has the software requirement and we are looking for Server specification minimum requirements.
- What are the CPU requirements
- What are the Memory requirements
- What are the storage requirements