OJS para dispositivos moviles

Cordial Saludo. miembros del foro.

Actualmente me encuentro trabajando en OJS para mi Universidad, donde me surge la inquietud de saber si OJS ya tiene versión para dispositivos móviles, ya que he intentado hacerlo compatible pero no ha sido posible…Gracias

Hi @joheso,

A few external groups have worked on mobile applications, but nothing that we have formally assessed. Try searching this forum for “reponsive” and you’ll find a few relevant themes. OJS 3.0 will be responsive, and we will be releasing it in 2016. It is currently undergoing beta testing and development.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @Juan,

There’s nothing that I’m aware of. OJS 3.x has a responsive interface, and we’re focusing on building it so that it’ll operate on any reasonable screen size. If you’re interested in other features such as offline reading, it’s not something we’ve had much call for, but can be facilitated with the use of e.g. issue galleys (so that entire issues can be downloaded rather than individual articles).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team