I am having trouble installing OJS, OCS and OHS manually on a domain. The problem is the blank page it shows when I have reached the final step prior to installation. I have no trouble installing OJS and OCS via softaculous that the hosting service provides. Moreover, the hosting service - Inmotion Hosting has everything (PHP, MySQL, Apache &c) in top notch.
I read through several FAQs, internet forum discussions of PKP and I tried searching through the internet for possible solutions. But I wasn’t able to find any precise solution. Most solutions stated configuration in the Php.ini file. But I am lost in this regard with no clue now as to which specific extension must I include in my php.ini file.
To explain the structure of my installation, OJS is being installed in a subdomain i.e. journals.domainname.com. It installs perfectly fine with softaculous. Same goes for OCS - conference.domainname.com. Since OHS is not present in softaculous, I have to figure out how to install it.
There isn’t much help available for OHS, as most documentations point to OJS. Since the two software are reasonably similar in certain aspects. So I’m testing out how to install OJS manually in order to replicate the same operation to install OHS.
I would appreciate as to what specific extension must I include in php.ini file or any other solution so as to begin installation.
This is the link to OJS http://journals.iobmresearch.com/index.php/index/install
This is the link to OHS http://indexing.iobmresearch.com/index.php/install
This is the file structure
public_html > journals >
public_html > indexing >
The php.ini file that I requested from my hosting service to upload in my cPanel.
Note: I am not using WAMP or any similar server software. Instead I am using cPanel to perform the same - including MySQL and PhPadmin.