I’ve just unpacked ojs-3.0.1 live and was trying to install from scratch via the browser interface. It seems to just hang with ‘loading’ and never presents an error. How long should I wait? Is there something I don’t understand about the information required in the fields?
Database Driver
Database Name
Create new database?
Not much in the README about this.
I had previous installed ojs-2.* successfully but completely uninstalled it as I have yet to publish a journal.
Check your PHP error log to see if something relevant appears there. It should take 10-30 seconds to install, though we’ve heard that Windows-based installations can take longer. You may have to extend your PHP execution limit in some cases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you. I’m starting again as I didn’t have much luck last time around. I’ve just extracted the install onto my host and following the install instructions it states to set the following as writable:
config.inc.php (optional – if not writable you will be prompted
to manually overwrite this file during installation)
* public
* cache
* cache/t_cache
* cache/t_config
* cache/t_compile
* cache/_db
Does that mean ‘world’ writable or only ‘user’ writable? It’s currently set at ‘user’ read, write and execute.
You’ll have to consider not just the numeric (user/group/world) permissions but also the file ownership, and who your web server runs PHP scripts under. See this FAQ entry for details.
Note that world-writable is never safe to use, though it can be useful for short-term testing/debugging.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team