Are OJS journals able to provide “Openly accessible data on citations according to the standards by the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)"? This means, essentially, depositing citation data with Crossref and then marking it as open. I am interested in automatic submission.
Nobody knows and can’t assist?
Hi @milan88,
I am not sure about all the requirments, but from the OJS 3.1.2 on there is a Crossref Reference Linking plugin, that sounds like what you are looking for: GitHub - pkp/crossrefReferenceLinking
Regards, Primož
I’m interested at similar question:
Are OJS journals (version 2) able to provide “Openly accessible data on citations according to the standards by the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)"? This means, essentially, depositing citation data with Crossref and then marking it as open…
I suspect not for OJS 2 - the reference linking plugin listed above only has releases for OJS 3.x. But I don’t use OJS 2, so am not 100% sure.
I do know that Crossref now sees depositing references as a member obligation. Citation data is open by default, so you don’t need to do anything except deposit. It’s also easy to do it even without the plugin. Crossref’s Simple Text Query tool allows you to just copy and paste the reference list into a text box. Crossref will then find all the DOIs and give you the option to log in and associate them with an article.
There are also other options to help make things faster which you can check out in their documentation.
Thank you very much, Shaun.
Hello Everyone!
Regarding the I4OC standard, I would like to enable the plugin but we cannot find the “Crossref Reference Linking Plugin,” in the Plugin Gallery, can anyone help?
We use OJS version
Thank you in advance
Hi, Is this service possiblr for DataCite DOIs?
Regards, Mohsen