OJS font-end submission error

When someone makes a submission to our journal, the buffering wheel never stops spinning (never, even after a few hours). This is despite the submission having been made and registered as a submission, with automatic emails having been sent.

This is the error message:

Uncaught TypeError: right-hand side of ‘in’ should be an object, got undefined
ajaxErrorCallback https://journal.networkonculture.ca/js/build.js?v=
error https://journal.networkonculture.ca/js/build.js?v=
jQuery 4
ajaxErrorCallback https://journal.networkonculture.ca/js/build.js?v=
error https://journal.networkonculture.ca/js/build.js?v=
jQuery 4

We’re using OJS 3.4.0.x

Any suggestions?

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did you have any luck with this? I have the same problem right now.

Nope, not yet. Have you reached a solution?


thank you for including the error message - that helped to likely track down where its coming from - Error handling in SubmissionWizard crashes · Issue #10050 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

What is most likely happening is that the PHP backend is returning some unexpected error (5xx), which is incorrectly handled by the UI, which causes UI to get stuck. I will address the error handling to display the error instead of getting stuck.

But I suspect that it won’t resolve the underlying problem, which is that the PHP backend is likely returning some crash error and probably have reason to do so.

To identify the underlying cause of that it would help if you can provide some additional information.

Does it happen for every submission on your install?
If not - do you have some particular submission that would trigger this problem consistently?
In other words if we could reproduce it - that would help us to address it accurately.

Another place to look at are web server log errors and find some errors coming from the PHP happening in the time of submission being sent.


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I am having this issue as well. There seems to be an associated error with the wizard in the “comments for the editor” box. I ran a test submission and anything entered into this box does not carry over into the submission as a “pre-review discussion” as it should. It shows a blank line instead where the discussion message should go. Perhaps this is what is causing the submission button to get stuck.

Unfortunately I am still not able to replicate it. I did try to create submission with “comments for the editor” and submission work as expected, including starting the “pre-review discussions”.

Either steps to reproduce or php error log error would probably to track it down. Here are some details about where to look for php errors - https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/faq/en/errors-troubleshooting#first-check-your-php-error-log

Same here, version 3.4.-0.7, freezing at final submission step and also when trying to assign editor to manuscript

Error below

[Mon Dec 09 10:08:58.325743 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3009298:tid 3009408] [remote 78.97..:55213] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\Stream\proc_open() in /home//domains//public_html/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/symfony/mailer/Transport/Smtp/Stream/ProcessStream.php:41\nStack trace:\n#0

Hi @ctoma,

See e.g.:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you. proc_open and proc_close should be allowed.

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