Using OJS version and for some reason Firefox will not load the PDFs into the viewer. It works on all other browsers and the PDF plugin is enabled in Firefox and the preferences are set to open it in acrobat, but I still get the “The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader).” message. I tried opening the PDF in firefox outside of OJS and it opened just fine. Any ideas what might be causing this?
I’m not aware of problems with Firefox, but beware that the PDFObject library we’ve been using to present PDFs is known not to work with IE11. If you’re able to upgrade to OJS 2.4.6, you might try the PDF.js plugin that’s built in; it provides an alternative PDF viewer that’s known to work with all browsers.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yeah I’m stumped. Must be unique to me and my set-up. I’ll see if we can upgrade, but we’re just getting ready to release and not sure I want to risk an explosion.
On a related note: I tried enabling the “Google embedded viewer Plugin” to bypass Acrobat and instead of the PDF in the window I get a bunch of code:
Very strange. Any idea what might be causing that? Looks like the header.tpl template file it’s pulling for some reason.
Are the articles publicly accessible, or are they behind a login? If Google’s viewer code can’t get the PDF directly from OJS, then something like this will happen. This plugin is only useful for journals that permit direct access to the PDFs without any kind of login. (I’ve also heard that they introduced a 2MB limit on PDFs.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Possibly; PDFObject is known not to work with certain versions of IE. I’d suggest upgrading and trying the PDF.js plugin instead; if you still have problems with that, I can debug further.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m a little worried about updating because I’ve edited and customized a whole bunch of the .tpl and xml files throughout OJS. Will updating undo all those?
That depends on how much you’ve edited, and what, and whether the upgrade also hits those files. The upgrade documentation suggests using the standard diff/patch tools to preserve customizations; 2.4.4-1 to 2.4.6 isn’t a huge span, so I don’t expect you’ll have big conflicts to merge. Figuring out how to stay current is important. Internally, we use git quite heavily to manage modified installations and it permits us to update with a minimum amount of hair-pulling.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m having a look at this thread because I’ve got a question related to PDF viewing. In the first issue we launched using OJS, the PDFs just automatically downloaded. No viewer, no viewing, nothing. Now, in the second issue, the PDFs are pulling up in a viewer, and predictably showing source code, which I understand is because they’re still in the “Preview” stage.
Could you help us begin to troubleshoot why it is that in the first issue, they were just automatic downloads, but in the second, they’re previewing in a browser PDF viewer?
IIRC version 2.4.8-2 displayed pdfs in Firefox correctly, but after upgrade to 2.4.8-3 I get:
The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed
Hello asmecher, I’m facing the same problem on my journal. It cant open PDF full text nor download it![OJSPDF|690x399]. See it on the herein attached picture. please help(upload://sVyThmYGJlvHnseFg7V2rllxFO.jpeg)