I want to email a newsletter to all users enrolled in the journal and have 2 questions that seem pretty basic but I’m having trouble:
- How do I select all the users?
- Can the email form accept html
I’m running the most recent version of OJS
I want to email a newsletter to all users enrolled in the journal and have 2 questions that seem pretty basic but I’m having trouble:
I’m running the most recent version of OJS
To send a notice in OJS, as an Editor, go to User Home → Notify Users. You can then select all users, or all readers, or all authors, etc. as the recipients.
The email tool in version OJS 2.x does not use HTML. It is being rewritten in OJS 3.x and will support HTML emails then.
Thank you for your answer about html form emails.
Can you please explain more about this version ? Can I change the type of emails with change code?
I don’t understand your question. What version of OJS are you using? What are you trying to do?
Is it possible to change code so it will be sent html email into version 2.4.8?
It is possible, but this would be a very extensive change. It could involve:
What emails are you wanting to make HTML-enabled? Are you comfortable with editing PHP and Smarty?