Hi all
after transfering website from one server to another, our website arjournals.org (created with OJS) display blank page. I check error_log file , but nothing is there, can you anyone please help to solve the error
sorry for my bad english
Hi @rajeev,
The most likely causes for this are file permissions (check your cache/ subdirectory), or a missing MySQL PHP module.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
very thanks for your reply, I checked cache/subdirectory and files all having 755 permission. can you please tell me, which mysql php module may be missing or required to run ojs
Hi @rajeev,
Have a look at the OJS FAQ: http://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php/PKP_Frequently_Asked_Questions
Specifically, there are several areas dealing with blank pages (just search the text for “blank”).
Simply using 755 permissions may not be enough, particularly if the file ownership is wrong.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team