Hello, why I believe that incidence is a number with a corresponding article and give it to publish , I get in the area of archiving and not on the home page .
Can anyone tell me what steps need to do to me that posting appear on the home page of the web ?
Yes, I explain more clearly. I want to publish a number on the web and create and publish after, that number appears on page me file and not on the home page (index). I hope I have clarified.
Hola. El español es mi primer idioma y el segundo en ingles en la pagina de la revista. Pero en ambos idiomas, tras publicar el numero no aparece el anuncio publicado en la pagina principal (index), pero si en la pagina de archivadas.
Hi. Spanish is my first language and the second in English on the website of the magazine. But in both languages, the number after publishing the notice published on the front page (index) does not appear, but if archived page.
If I understand your question – are you hoping to have all issues listed on the journal’s homepage? OJS won’t do that without changes. Perhaps the easiest way to do this, which wouldn’t require any coding, is to add a redirect to your Apache configuration so that the index page gets redirected to the archive.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, I think that even he did not understand me . I 'm going to explain otherwise .
We or someone writes an article to be published. Then the manager approves the publication article related to a publication number ( already created by the manager ) .
Then comes our problem , that the number of publication (accepted and published ) , not shown on the front page of the magazine (index ) , if not, on another page ( archives ) .
My apologies, but I’m finding your question too hard to follow. Could you describe what you’re trying to do in Spanish in detail? Perhaps a native Spanish speaker – @marc? – can help me understand.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Durantes las vacaciones de navidad hago todo lo posible por no acercarme a un ordenador.
Hoy volvĂa al trabajo, pero estoy con un trancazo importante y al final no ha podido ser.
Por lo que entiendo, quieres que la tabla de contenido (TOC) se muestre en la pĂ gina de inicio de tu revista, no? Si es asĂ, debes entender que OJS es un gestor de revistaS (en plural) y por defecto te va a mostrar un Ăndice de publicaciones (sin el TOC). Alec te sugiere que uses la funcionalidad que permite redireccionar el Ăndice automĂ ticamente al Ăndice de una revista en concreto (Administrador del sitio > ConfiguraciĂłn del sitio > Redirigir revista).
Primeramente pedirles disculpas si me he comportado negativamente, si es asi, le pido disculpas.
En cuanto a mi caso, lo has “bordado”. Y en cuanto a lo que te refieres para solucionarlo, en el caso de nuestra web, solo esta creada una revista y por lo tanto lo tengo vinculada directamente para que sea la principal.