OJS bepress Digital Commons import plugin installation

Description of issue or problem I’m having:
I unpacked files of the plugin to this path plugins/importexport/bepress.
Now on the managment tools page I see Bepress Import Plugin: Import articles into journal from Bepress XML.

Click on Bepress Import Plugin and blank page opens, nothing else.

What I tried to resolve the issue:
I’m trying to learn how to use this plugin. Please help me, maybe there is any video tutorial how to install and use this plugin?

Application Version - OJS

Hi @victor6336,

Have you already reviewed the ReadMe file for the Bepress import plugin? This contains some details on how the plugin works.



yes, I read it. I’m trying to open plugin Tools page. When I clcik it the blank page opens. Is it normal?

Hi @victor6336. What OJS version do you use right now? Does your problem persist?