Hi guys,
i did a fresh installation of OJS on a godaddy server with php 5.5 version, and was able to get it installed successfully. Now after logging in as admin, im able to enter administration tab, but when i enter journals, it gets stuck and just keeps on loading…
the error log has just 2 lines which are below
[15-Nov-2017 02:45:40 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of ContextGridHandler::loadData() should be compatible with GridHandler::loadData($request, $filter) in /home/q6nn6c2nuqo9/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/admin/context/ContextGridHandler.inc.php on line 214
[15-Nov-2017 02:45:40 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of ContextSiteSettingsForm::fetch() should be compatible with Form::fetch($request, $template = NULL, $display = false) in /home/q6nn6c2nuqo9/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/admin/context/form/ContextSiteSettingsForm.inc.php on line 19
To run OJS 3.x, your web server will need:
PHP 5.6 or later with MySQL or PostgreSQL support
A database server: MySQL 4.1 or later OR PostgreSQL 9.1.5 or later
UNIX-like OS recommended (such as Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.)
So, I suggest you upgrade your php before doing anything to your OJS installation.
Hi, thanks a lot for the response… i switched the current version to 5.6 in cpanel setting, but the issue is persisting. also there is an option for php7.0 too, but then the script starts showing additional depreciated errors…
I copied the code javascript from templates/management/settings/journal.tpl in other template and It’s working properly but It’s not solve the problem.
I don’t know why the template is not loading.