OJS 3.x: Subscriber-based usage reports?

Hi all,

Is it possible to generate reports of a given subscriber’s usage (article views/downloads) in any version of OJS 3? From my exploration and Googling, it appears not. I found this issue in GitHub which discusses the topic but as far as I can tell, nothing was implemented.

If it’s not currently possible to generate such a report, could someone tell me if the feature is on any roadmap for implementation?


Hi @tmrozewski,

I don’t think any progress has been made towards implementing such a feature as of yet. I know that there is an aspiration among the library community to implement such a feature, but my impression is that this is rather complicated to implement. Should it be developed in the future, it will likely be tagged as being tied to a software release on Github, so do keep an eye on that particular issue.

Best regards,


Great, thanks Roger.

If you were to speculate wildly (please don’t waste any time on this), would you imagine that any web analytics package could allow us to approximate subscription stats? Eg, referrals from a certain source?

Hi @tmrozewski,

I can’t specifically vouch for it, as I haven’t used it, but I have heard good things about Matomo - you maybe could potentially get stats by doing analytics based on subscriber IP ranges - I can’t say for certain though.


Thanks again, Roger!

Hi @tmrozewski,
I was wondering if there have been any updates on the subject. Libraries subscribers ask us to provide usage reports and we don’t know how to solve this problem. We have OJS 3.2.

Thank you

Hi @transitionacademia,

There is some work underway for this that is due out as part of OJS 3.4 (slated for release later this year): IP location and institution service · Issue #6895 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Best regards,

PKP Team

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Thanks @rcgillis for the heads-up.
