After a recent switch from OJS-2.4.8 to OJS-, the editorial team for a journal I’m assisting wants to expand their use of OJS so that copyediting will now be done within OJS (previously it had been done outside the system).
The copyediting step seems rather intuitive in OJS-3, and the documentation at Editorial Workflow seems very clear and helpful. Yet, the docs seem to focus on a single copyediting round. Our journal has a custom of multiple copyediting rounds, by different (copy)editors: an article comes out of the review phase, is then copyedited internally by a journal editor, and afterwards copyedited by a dedicated copyeditor, and possibly a third time by a journal editor.
I’m wondering what’s the best use of OJS for this scenario. Technically, OJS seems to allow for a whole range of options, so this is more a question of workflow, I guess.
The first copyediting round will start from the draft file (coming from the review step), and will probably start a discussion with the author, in order to produce a first copyedited file. Where would be the optimal place to store/classify this file:
- as a new draft file
- just keep it inside the discussion, and make sure that all copyediting rounds have their own discussion that is finalized with a copyedited file that can be taken to the following round (in a new discussion)
- as a copyedited file
It’s mainly a matter of making sure the next copyeditor knows how and where to find the file s/he is supposed to work on. This probably requires a protocol and fixed workflow, and I’m wondering if there are any recommendations for organizing this in OJS-3.
Many thanks for any insights!