OJS 3 - User Enroll from Different Journal

Can someone help me? or just explain to me about User Enrollment in OJS3.
I have many journals in my OJS3, then I need to Enroll user X to my journal, the user is already enrolled in another journal.

In OJS2 I still can enrol the user, but in OJS3 to enrol user I must click on Edit User. If I just log in using Journal Manager Account I got this warning.
Screenshot (39)

The warning is indicating that only the Administrator can Enroll the user from a different journal.

That’s true? or I just missing some configuration in my journal?

Hi @evotihore,

That is possible:

  • go to users
  • search
  • select Include users with no roles in this journal
  • select the user registered in other journal
  • assign roles to the user within your journal

Regards, Primož

Where’s the select option?

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 07.39.54

what I asking is, how can Journal Manager Enroll user from other Journal?
in ojs 2 Journal Manager can do that things, but in ojs 3 only administrator can enroll the user from one journal to other journal.

Hi @evotihore,

have you tried with the search and selection of No roles checkbox?

Regards, Primož

Thank’s for you always trying to help me. But in the end, I get the conclusion, in OJS 3 the manager journal cannot assign a user to journal A (for example) when the user is already registered in journal B (for example). only administrators can do this.

Unlike OJS 2, the manager’s journal can also assign users to other journals to the journals they own.

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