while adding articles for users to the system I observed sudden logout several times after I got some error message popups about not enough rights to access that area. It also happened when I was in my own role as journal editor and working in the review section of a submission.
The pattern is not predictable. It just happened every now and then. Though to my impression it happened when I was “clicking” to fast through the steps - Adding Participant, Sending to review, Ask for review, going back to Submission dashboard.
Hi @asmecher,
It’s turned on and while I can see that this may cause troubles when I’m connecting from a public network I don’t understand why this may cause an issue when I’m at work using a computer with static ip.
I’d suggest turning off the setting to see if it has an effect. There could be a proxy pool e.g. at your ISP, or upstream at the server end, or at the national level in between.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I had another look into this problem and found that check_session_ip didn’t make a difference for me. Therefore, I assume that this is not an issue for me but I kept it off since some users access OJS from outside and might face ISP proxy things.
In Firefox and Safari I rarely see it now. But I could reproducibly trigger a sudden logout in IE 11 (getting login screen then) when I click often enough in the menu sidebar.
This seems to be independent of the amount of php-fpm children (am using Apache 2.4 and php5-fpm)
Do you have any measures that prevent too many requests to php in the backend?
Are you transitioning from a subdomain-prefixed url (like www.mydomain.tld) to a domain without a subdomain (like mydomain.tld), or vice-versa, in the navigation links? IE treats cookies between subdomains and domains differently than other browsers.