OJS 3 - subscribers are getting renewal reminders even though they have current subscription

I might have to wait a year to find out if this fixes it, but I made these changes to classes/tasks/SubscriptionExpiryReminder.inc.php – they make sense to me but there may be some deeper reason. Changes marked with “//##”:

        // If it is the first day of a month but previous month had only
        // 30 days then simulate 31st day for expiry dates that end on
        // that day.
        //$shortMonths = array(2,4,6,8,10,12);
        $shortMonths = array(2,4,6,9,11);

        if (($todayDate['day'] == 1) && in_array(($todayDate['month'] - 1), $shortMonths)) {

                $curDate['day'] = 31;
                $curDate['month'] = $todayDate['month'] - 1;
                if ($curDate['month'] == 0) $curDate['month'] = 12;
                if ($curDate['month'] == 12) {
                        $curDate['year'] = $todayDate['year'] - 1;
                } else {
                        $curDate['year'] = $todayDate['year'];

                $journals = $journalDao->getAll(true);

                while ($journal = $journals->next()) {
                        // Send reminders for simulated 31st day of short month
                        $this->sendJournalReminders($journal, $curDate);