We’re starting with a fresh new OJS 3 deploy for a recently created journal. We’ve added extra metadata as keywords, funding institutions as it’s allowed by DC metadata plug-in, but we have some doubts:
Most part of the articles have translated titles, but we don’t find a way to make dc.title repeteable. Is there a way?
We need to show the extra metadata, as for instance language, keywords, etc in article page. Should we modify the template for the article view?
Is there a SWORD plug-in working for this version? Or is it in any development plan?
Where are you looking for these repeated tags to appear – in the DC embedded metadata in the article view page, or in the OAI interface, or somewhere else?
Keywords not appearing in the article page has already been filed here – feel free to join in that issue!
The SWORD plugin hasn’t yet been adapted for use with OJS 3.0; it’s on our list but not yet specifically scheduled. We depend on community feedback, so your request is noted.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think, if you have translated titles, then you should probably have a dual language journal, where each article has two pages for each of your languages. Each with its own metadata in corresponding languages. Is it your case?
Thank you very much for your answer. I’ve managed to add a language to all the site and configure the metadata form to add title, abstract and keywords in english. In fact I can see all the metadata correctly exposed via OAI-PMH, but to display the “translated” metadata in article screen, should I add the language control? Isn’t posible to see all the metadata in the same article screen?
Currently, OJS displays content in whatever language the user is using to browse the site, falling back on the primary language when that data is not available (e.g. it hasn’t been entered in that language). Is that operating as expected?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I would like to know if there is any news about the SWORD plug-in. As @German_Biozzoli I’m interest to about this issue.
I look forward to hearing from you.