The system is not sending mails either on registration or on submission of articles.
Hello @sushil,
Can you provide further details, please?
What specific version of OJS (E.g. OJS 3.2.1) are you using?
Do you see any errors in your PHP error log?
What have you tried to troubleshoot the issue so far? For example, have you tried looking at some similar posts regarding OJS not sending mail and tried some of the solutions offered there: ?
PKP Team
Dear rcgillis,
I am using ojs Version :
The system sends mail to the system administrator but not to any one registering and submitting a paper.
The message in the error log is:
[06-Apr-2021 05:00:09 America/Boise] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Core::removeBaseUrl() should not be called statically in /home3/raghuvar/public_html/journal/plugins/generic/usageStats/ on line 777
[06-Apr-2021 05:00:09 America/Boise] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Core::_getBaseUrlAndPath() should not be called statically in /home3/raghuvar/public_html/journal/lib/pkp/classes/core/ on line 231
Please suggest an appropriate solution.
Hi @sushil,
Neither of the entries from your error log would cause the email sending to fail. You may find some help debugging this in the Email section of the Admin Guide.
Dear NateWr,
We are getting following error.
This is most likely an issue with your server configuration. Please read the Email section of the Admin Guide.
Dear NateWr,
I have got server settings checked by the hosting provider. The mail error log file in database is also blank. I am facing the same problem even with my local host installation on xamp on a windows machine.
Hi @sushil, I would expect the error to appear on your local installation via xamp, because there won’t be an email server configured. I’d recommend double-checking your email configuration with your hosting provider. They should be able to help.
Dear NateWr,
I as a journal manager receive mail on submission. But the author do not receive either at registration or article submission.
If you send the date, time and recipient address of an email that should have been sent but wasn’t received, your host should be able to check their logs to see if an email was sent and if they received any bounce or returned to sender response.