OJS 3 Editorial Assignment Email not showing

when I’m adding a participant to a new submission (a section editor) in OJS 2 I had automatically loaded with the email for editorial assignment. Now on the add participant dialog window I see not all email tamplates and the editorial assignment template is not auto-loading. Moreover I cannot select it as not all emails are visible?

Dear @asmecher,

I have notices that the template “Editor Assign” have no recipients nor sender, can that be the reason for template not to show from the drop down menu when Journal editor is assigning a Section editor?

Hi @vebaev,

It looks like the EDITOR_ASSIGN email template wasn’t available on the submission stage. I’ve added it – see Editor assign email template not available on Submission stage · Issue #2053 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for details and a couple of patches (one for the application repository, one for the lib/pkp submodule). If you’re able to give this a try, let me know if it works and I can back-port it to the ojs-stable-3_0_1 branch.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team