I don’t think you’ll be able to accomplish the layout you want without either editing the template file or doing some really painful CSS gymnastics.
If you want to put some of the .pkp_footer_content on the left and some on the right, you’ll need to nest this content in sibling elements and set the appropriate floats. So the content might look like this:
<div class="footer-left">
<div><strong><small>Editorial Office:</small></strong></div>
<div><small><img src="/public/site/images/admin/location.png" alt=""> Gedung B Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan </small></div>
<div><small> Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram</small> </div>
<div><small> Jln. Gajah Mada 100 - Jempong Baru - Mataram 83116</small></div>
<div><small><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Gmail1.png" alt=""> jurnalbeta@gmail.com</small></div>
<div class="footer-right">
<!-- Any other content you want to appear -->
That will get your content left and right. But with floats you can’t then inject the brand logos into the middle of that. You’d need to modify the footer template to display it between two divs instead of after them, which won’t work with the footer content feature under Settings > Website > Appearance, because it only offers a single HTML blob.
The easiest thing to do would just be to display the brand stuff below your left and right content. You can easily center it there and won’t need to do anything tricky.
On a separate note, when you’re making these changes, beware of how they effect the view on small screens like mobile devices. You need to use media queries to apply your horizontal layouts only on larger screens. For example, this is what your footer looks like on a small mobile screen now:
Hi @NateWr
I have changes the footer so that it looks better in mobile. I have two questions here,
What css codes refer to the following background? I want to change the background. I tried using inspect element but could not find the codes
I want to change the color of the ojs footer picture to white in order to adjust with the background. I tried the following codes in css but nothing change
You can’t change the color of an image. An image contains the color information baked into it. I’d recommend changing the background color of the area the image sits on, so it matches the off-page background of that theme:
How to make title Licence and Journal Stats in Additional Content automatically follow sidebar title?
I tried using codes div class=“title” but it doesn’t work
You’ll need to override the indexJournal.tpl page template to add the journal summary.
How to make title Licence and Journal Stats in Additional Content automatically follow sidebar title?
I tried using codes div class=“title” but it doesn’t work
Can you share a link where you’d like to change this?
It looks like you’re modifying the HTML code of the content you’re putting into the Additional Content area. Try the following HTML pattern for titles and content: