At the beginning of an authors submission there is a field “comment for the editor” (as in Version 2.x). But where are these comments visible for the editor later on?
Thank you
At the beginning of an authors submission there is a field “comment for the editor” (as in Version 2.x). But where are these comments visible for the editor later on?
Thank you
Hello @sabrinaeck, try for that submission:
(Stage) Review=> Reviewers=> blue arrow =>Review Details
Hi @ania
Thank you for looking into this.
The reviewing comments for/from reviewer/editor are clear and ok for us. We are missing the comment from the author to the editor (written from the author during sumitting the manuscript):
The comments entered here should be somehow visible for the editor - but we cant find the place
Ok @sabrinaeck, you are right, perhaps @bozana can help?
@sabrinaeck and @ania
Hmmm… It seems it is not displayed anywhere. I created a new GitHub Issue for that. Please track it for changes/fix.
Hi all,
FYI, the issue is filed over here:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Grrrrrr… Me crazy! I forgot to write the Issue link
I’m running OJS v3.1.2 but still can’t see the comments to the editor in the submission page. Could you please let me know where exactly I should be seeing it?
Hi @reagan,
I believe it should be visible under the “Discussions” list on the Submission workflow page. [Cross-posted: Display comments for editor · Issue #1873 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub]
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry for posting in Github as well. I found the bug report there only after posting here. I’ll upgrade to 3.2 and post back with an update.