OJS 3.4 Translation English to Persian

Hi friends,
I’m using OJS 3.4 for my journal in Persian language and I have some translation issues that I could not solve it. Could you please help me?

This is an example of my translation issues in below:

Hi @Naqibullah_Asadi_Kar,

Thanks for your post. Can you clarify: are you just trying to install the Persian locale? Or are you trying to create a new / add to an existing locale for Persian?


Hi Roger,

I’ have already installed the OJS 3.4 in Persian language and some texts are not showing correct in dashboard of the system. Now I want to add in Persian locale to sole these problem. How can I do it?

So far, I have not made any changes in the translation part of the system, these translations are something that your team has already done and I use them, but they are incomplete and in some cases, such as the one I sent you before, the expressions do not display correctly. and this is a very serious defect for us because users have encountered problems.


HI @Naqibullah_Asadi_Kar,

Thank you for clarifying.

Translations are supplied by the community and not PKP staff (in most cases). If you see those strings displaying. like that (##untranslated_words##) - that is an indication of an untranslated locale. You can check the status of translations here: https://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/projects/ojs/#languages

We rely on community contributors to contribute translations to PKP software. So, if you or others might be able to contribute to an enhanced Persian translation, we would certainly welcome it. An overview of translations and how to contribute can be found here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/translating-guide/en/

PKP Team