OJS 3.4: emails sent with placeholders instead of data

Hello, after the upgrade to OJS journal editors have faced the issue, that they receive emails without the actual values, just as placeholders without actual data. Here is an example:

Article Review Completed


I have now completed my review of “article name printed” for {$contextName}, and submitted my recommendation, “{$recommendation}.”

The author’s name is displayed correctly

This is an automated message from [journal name](https://actual address). You can unsubscribe from this email at any time.

Honestly, there could be more such cases, but this is the first problem with emails.

Are we missing something?

Hi @Garant,

Is it Reviewer Commented Notify Editors email? You can check this in the Manage Emails menu

Yes, it’s this template:


I have now completed my review of "{$submissionTitle}" for {$contextName}, and submitted my recommendation, "{$recommendation}."


Only a few variables were filled out:

So, the {$editorialContactName} and {$recommendation} were not filled… displayed as variables

Hmm, is it possible that it was customised somehow?

It looks to be added only in 3.4 with the following body:

<p>Dear {$recipientName},</p>
<p>{$reviewerName} completed the following review:</p>
<p><a href=\"{$submissionUrl}\">#{$submissionId} {$authorsShort} — {$submissionTitle}</a><br />
<b>Recommendation:</b> {$reviewRecommendation}<br />
<b>Type:</b> {$reviewMethod}</p>
<p>Login to <a href=\"{$submissionUrl}\">view all files and comments</a> provided by this reviewer.</p>
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Thanks for the answer @Vitaliy ,
so do you mean, that instead of mine version, it should be:

<p>Dear {$recipientName},</p>
<p>{$reviewerName} completed the following review:</p>
<p><a href=\"{$submissionUrl}\">#{$submissionId} {$authorsShort} — {$submissionTitle}</a><br />
<b>Recommendation:</b> {$reviewRecommendation}<br />
<b>Type:</b> {$reviewMethod}</p>
<p>Login to <a href=\"{$submissionUrl}\">view all files and comments</a> provided by this reviewer.</p>

in the backend section?

One more problem with other template from other journal (we host multiple on the same OJS installation):

We have reached a decision regarding your submission to **{$contextName}**, "title displayed correctly".

Our decision is to: Decline Submission

We haven’t yet seen other occurances, but did notice this with {$contextName}. As a quick workaround, I went into the email templates and changed {$contextName} to {$journalName} and that fixed the problem.

Resetting the email template might help, too. I’ll watch for that next time, though I don’t remember that template being altered, but it’s possible. When you Edit a template from the list of templates, on the next screen, if the Reset button appears, it was altered at some point, whether deliberately or not.

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Thank you all,
I forgot to close the issue, cause we just rewrote the templates by the hand.
@mreedks , I will try your solution, if the same will occur with other templates

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Dear all,
we are using OJS, upgraded from 2.4.8 through After the 3.4 upgrade I did a reset of all email templates. We have similar issues with the template Reviewer Commented Notify Editors as @Garant . I did fix the placeholder for journal name with {$journalName}, but the {$recipientName} and {$reviewRecommendation} placeholders are still not populated.

I can see both variables in the template editor for Reviewer Commented Notify Editors template when I click on Insert Content button, but they are apparently not recognized for this template. Maybe it’s relevant here that this is an automated email from the system? Also, this email is not recorded in the Activity log for the submission, is this expected for automated emails? For example, Submission acknowledgement is recorded in the activity log.

Our template Reviewer Commented Notify Editors looks like this:

Dear {$recipientName},

I have now completed my review of "{$submissionTitle}" for {$journalName}, and submitted my recommendation, {$reviewRecommendation}.


We had more cases of emails with unpopulated placeholders, but I corrected most of them, it was mainly the {$contextName} variable.

Kind regards,

Dear @Garant ,
can you please share your updated Reviewer Commented Notify Editors email template?

Cheers, Aleš

now it’s:

Dear {$recipientName},
{$reviewerName} completed the following review:

#{$submissionId} {$authorsShort} — {$submissionTitle}
Recommendation: {$reviewRecommendation}
Type: {$reviewMethod}
Login to <a href=\"{$submissionUrl}\">view all files and comments</a> provided by this reviewer.
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We’re currently on OJS; just checking that this notification was added in 3.4 only and there’s no way to notify of review completion unless and until we upgrade?

Dear @mfgaede,
the email templates were heavily reworked in 3.4 version. The analogous template in 3.3 is REVIEW_COMPLETE template that is sent from reviewer to the editor when they submit their review, but I think that this email is not recorded in the Activity log, you would see only a note in the log that “ has completed the review for the round 1 review for submission ”.

Regards, Aleš