OJS how to add affiliation country

I would like to have the affiliation country shown in the author information of the article. I think it is important not only showing the affiliation name but also the country.

Could anyone help me how to display the affiliation country, after the affiliation name


Hi @waluyo,

I won’t be able to give you answers to directly which code needs to be modified in order to do this, but I will give you a high-level overview of what is involved in making such a modification. Another forum member may be able to point you in the direction of the specific changes that you might be able to make in order to make this happen.

In order to make such a change, what you’d likely have to do is modify an OJS theme to display create a custom child theme and make changes to the relevant template files. Here is a high-level overview of the steps involved:

  1. Create a child theme based of your chosen OJS theme.
  2. Locate and copy the template file responsible for displaying the table of contents in your child theme directory.
  3. Modify the copied template file to include the author’s country affiliation. You’ll need to access the author metadata and add the country information to the display.
  4. Create or modify the CSS file in your child theme to style the newly added country affiliation information[
  5. Install and activate your custom child theme in the OJS dashboard.
  6. Test the changes and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the country affiliation displays correctly in the manner you want.

Keep in mind that this process requires some knowledge of PHP, HTML, and CSS. If you’re not comfortable with coding, you may need to seek assistance from a developer familiar with OJS theming. You can also view our theming guide here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-theming-guide/ - it gives a detailed overview of what is involved in theming.

Another consideration is that you’d want to ensure that you had all of the necessary metadata being enforced. That is, you’d want to make sure you had a way to enforce authors supplying the affiliation. You could do this manually, I suppose, but, it would be a fair bit of work.

PKP Team


I am suggesting by default, the information of the author should display the country (taken from the country metadata of the author), without the country it looks incomplete.

If not available this time, can I request to add this.


Hi @waluyo,

If you wish, you’re free to propose a feature using the feature request here on the forum by starting a new post in the feature request category and following the provided template. Please note, however, that proposing a feature request does not guarantee that the proposed feature will make it into a new release of OJS - this has to be developed in terms of feasibility and priority by our development team.

PKP Team

Hi all,

We are adding support for RoR identifiers starting with OJS 3.5.0. With these, the editor will be able to type e.g. “Simon Fraser University” and see an autocomplete-enabled list of institutions that match – leading them quickly to SFU’s RoR record. From this, as you can see, you can derive the country and other details (such as translated names).

Once that is in place, having your journal display the institution name will be a matter of adding it to the theme.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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