Our peer reviewers are having a variety of problems:
some cannot click to Agree to the Terms & Conditions, so cannot accept the review and move to phase 2 - there is no click box visible, at all (see Screenshot below)
other peer reviewers manage to Agree to T&C, but when they come to write their review, the dialogue boxes are unavailable. There is a blank space under ‘For Authors and Editors’ and ‘For Editors’, but no text box and nothing can be typed (sorry, I’m not able to provide a screenshot - it’s only blank space, not even an outline where a text box should be, similar to the absent click box for T&C).
Thank you for any assistance, we have a bunch of articles to review and can’t proceed until this is working.
Have you tried switching browser? I had the same thing happen to me once, some reviewers could not check the Privacy Statement box and it was a problem they had with the Brave browser, so some reviewers could click it (those who did not use Brave), and some could not click it (those who did use Brave).
Maybe the browser is what causes the other error in the review form.
I moved from Firefox to Chrome and was able to discover and click Agree to Terms and Conditions, then move ahead to Steps 2 and 3. That’s a victory!
However, even in Chrome, I was still unable to write anything in the Review boxes - there is still no dialogue box (see Screenshot, which I was able to take, hah).
Any further suggestions would be warmly appreciated.
During these days, were you able to solve the problem?
Do you have a way to see the error_log file? It might be a good start to see the possible errors that OJS throws just from that page, maybe it has something to do with the TinyMCE editor.