[OJS-3.4.0-4] Translation displayStats of article


I am not able to find the translation file for local language translation. Can you please guide me which file is responsible for displaying the local language for the below mentioned image.

Hi @shantanusingh

Try in plugins > themes > default > local > your_language > locale.po

If you do not have this string in the file, you can add it to the file

Hi @shantanusingh ,

You need to do this in the locale file of the usageStats plugin (/plugins/generic/usageStats/locale/).

msgid “plugins.generic.usageStats.downloads”
msgstr “Downloads”

If you do not have a directory with your country’s code, download the en_US directory to your disk, change en_US to your country’s code, replace the translation, and upload the directory with your country’s code to the locale directory on the server.

Kind regards

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Hi @lopez.casique @karwas Thanks for reply.