I tried to activate the Research Organisation Registry (ROR) plugin, following the steps described on https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/ror-plugin/en/ror-plugin. However, the ROR plugin does not show up.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
I went to the plugin gallery, searched for plugin, and did not find it.
I also tried to download the plugin from https://github.com/withanage/ror and install it manually. But that version of the plugin appears not to work with OJS
What application are you using?
Additional information
Here is a screen shot of the plugin gallery of our OJS instance:
It looks as though this plugin has not yet been ported to OJS 3.4. @Dulip_Withanage, may be able to speak to whether or not there are plans do this in the future.
Hi all, the development is done.
The changes are waiting for review, merge and release.
You can have a peak here. GitHub - GaziYucel/ror at stable-3_4_0.
Please wait for the release before using in production!
However, when we try to install the plugin, we get the error message “Plugin already installed, and is newer than the version available in the gallery.”