OJS - ROR plugin not in plugin gallery

Describe the issue or problem

I tried to activate the Research Organisation Registry (ROR) plugin, following the steps described on https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/ror-plugin/en/ror-plugin. However, the ROR plugin does not show up.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

I went to the plugin gallery, searched for plugin, and did not find it.

I also tried to download the plugin from https://github.com/withanage/ror and install it manually. But that version of the plugin appears not to work with OJS

What application are you using?


Additional information

Here is a screen shot of the plugin gallery of our OJS instance:

Thanks for your help.

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Hi @odkr,

It looks as though this plugin has not yet been ported to OJS 3.4. @Dulip_Withanage, may be able to speak to whether or not there are plans do this in the future.

Best regards,

PKP Team

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@odkr it is not yet updated. I am planning for it. Took a while in the coming 2-3 weeks, I will do that.


@Dulip_Withanage Thank you. We will appreciate if you could let us know when it is updated. Thank you!

@EvelynTl just a update ! @gaziyucel has started on doing the upgrade. We will update as soon as we have a testing version!

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Hi @EvelynTl / @Dulip_Withanage / @odkr. I can confirm that I am working on it at this very moment. I will ping you here when it’s ready.


Hi all, the development is done.
The changes are waiting for review, merge and release.
You can have a peak here. GitHub - GaziYucel/ror at stable-3_4_0.

Please wait for the release before using in production!

Hi @gaziyucel It’s working fine with OJS-3.4. Can we use it on production or wait?

Hi @shantanusingh ,
thanks fo testing , I will update the plugin version in plugin gallery next week!

may be use the plugin from plugin gallery then, which will be maintained long-term.