We have an upgrade from OJS-3.3.0-14 to OJS-3.4.0-4.
If the author leaves Incomplete Submission it will be displayed at the top of the Unassigned and Active tab. Because of this issue, unassigned tabs display some pendency and are not cleared.
Editors complain about having difficulty filtering articles from the list.
Any ideas about this problem? This is making it problematic and inconvenient for editors to process the articles in the Unassigned and All Active tabs.
What I mean to say is that in OJS-3.3 Incomplete submissions did not appear in the Unassigned tab, and all Incomplete submissions were shortlisted in Active tabs, and finally completed submissions were displayed on the top. But in OJS-3.4 Incomplete submissions are not shortlisted and appear in both the Unassigned and Active tabs.
Hi @asmecher you can see the Unassigned tab, it is full of Incomplete submissions. I hope that Incomplete submissions should not be shown in the Unassigned tab.