I have a question regarding the display of the Orcid.
I have publisher an article and set the author (who is not registered on the journal) an Orcid link but it is not displayed on the article. Is the author required to be registered for it to be shown? If there are multiple authors will all the Orcids be shown?

Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
Editors can still invite contributors to connect their ORCID iDs to the publication even if they aren’t registered users of the journal.
For more information on this, please see How to Use the ORCID Plugin in OJS and OPS
I hope that this clarification is helpful, but please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @pmangahis
I’m sorry for the late reply. I’ve read the information but i still have some questions.
I believe the reason the orcid is not being displayed is because i was simply inserting the orcid link instead of sending an email to ask permission, but it can also be because i have yet to set up the orcid api.
We wanted to have the addition of the article information for all journals (as shown in the image).
We are running a installation with multiple journals (nine journals), can we use the same api to all journals?

Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
Yes, it would be possible to use the same API for both Public and Member API’s.
For the member API, you could use the same API. An ORCID member (such as an institution) will receive one set of API credentials to use across all of their journals. When they apply for the API, they will send ORCID the URIs for all the journals that will use the API key.
It is also be possible to use the same for a Public API providing you have sent ORCID the URI for every journal they wish to include, the API credentials will work for all of them.
For further information on this, please review the following section on How to Set Up the ORCID Plugin in OJS and OPS
Kind Regards,
Hi @pmangahis
Thank you for the response.
I also took notice of another plugin that uses orcid.
Other than the ‘ORCID Profile Plugin’ there is also ‘OpenID Authentication Plugin’ which permits registration through Orcid similar to the first plugin but can also use other sources through it’s API.
Does ‘OpenID Authentication Plugin’ also have the same functions as ‘ORCID Profile Plugin’? If not is it possible to use both simultaneous?
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @pmangahis
It will take some time to set up an orcid membership since the registration requires the intervention of the rectory. I wanted to make sure if the orcid plugin is a requirement for the orcid to be shown or the confirmation of author is what’s necessary and if so is it possible to remove that same requirement.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
Yes, in order for the ORCID badge to appear on the article landing page and for you to request authors to confirm their ORCID id the plugin would need to be set up.
Kind Regards,
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