INFO gave up: checkstart entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
I’ve Googled around and I tried the suggested workaround of setting a retry value and startsecs/exitcodes values. I’m still receiving the same error message, does anyone know how to get past this? I tried to build from the versions folder and locally, and still not able to get my docker image up.
same problem here, but I can up the containers with this warnings.
docker run -p 8081:80 -p 8443:443 local/ojs:stable-3_3_0
2021-10-05 20:56:37,547 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message.
2021-10-05 20:56:37,557 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2021-10-05 20:56:38,564 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 8
2021-10-05 20:56:38,571 INFO spawned: 'checkstart' with pid 9
2021-10-05 20:56:38,581 INFO spawned: 'crond' with pid 10
2021-10-05 20:56:38,643 INFO exited: checkstart (exit status 0; not expected)
2021-10-05 20:56:39,667 INFO success: apache entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2021-10-05 20:56:39,673 INFO spawned: 'checkstart' with pid 23
2021-10-05 20:56:39,676 INFO success: crond entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2021-10-05 20:56:39,736 INFO exited: checkstart (exit status 0; not expected)
2021-10-05 20:56:41,743 INFO spawned: 'checkstart' with pid 31
2021-10-05 20:56:41,816 INFO exited: checkstart (exit status 0; not expected)
2021-10-05 20:56:44,827 INFO spawned: 'checkstart' with pid 39
2021-10-05 20:56:44,895 INFO exited: checkstart (exit status 0; not expected)
2021-10-05 20:56:44,895 INFO gave up: checkstart entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
All changed a lot since 2021 (ie: supervisor was removed), so I hope it is not happening any more.
If you still have trouble with docker images, please fill an issue in the repo.