I wanted to edit the Addthis plugin to reach the exemple shown below. I wanted to know where i should edit to add a label to serve as title and the script of Altmetrics badge.

I also have this error being shown, i have yet to make any change to the file.

Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
What version of the Addthis plugin are you using? And for the altmetrics badge: how are you displaying this - in a custom block? Perhaps you could provide a link to your site (if publicly available), so we could have a closer look?
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
Thank you for the quick response.
I installed the plugin through the plugin gallery and it’s version is It isn’t being displayed in a custom block but a block created by the plugin.
Here is the link for our Journal and this is the link of the exemple of what we would like to reach.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
Thanks for providing this additional information. I’m not too familiar with this particular plugin and how it operates, so I’ll see if anyone else on our team is able to weigh in and provide suggestions.
PKP Team
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