Ok, now this is my output, I thinks it’s all right now. Thanks!
php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
[load: upgrade.xml]
[code: Installer Installer::checkPhpVersion]
[code: Installer Installer::installDefaultNavigationMenus]
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 1, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 1, Title: Primary Navigation Menu, Area: primary) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 0, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
[code: Installer Installer::migrateStaticPagesToNavigationMenuItems]
[migration: PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration]
[migration: OJSv3_3_0UpgradeMigration]
[note: docs/release-notes/README-3.3.0]
[code: Installer Installer::addPluginVersions]
Release Notes
OJS 3.3.0 Release Notes
Git tag: 3_3_0-2
Release date: February 1, 2021
Configuration Changes
See config.TEMPLATE.inc.php for a description and examples of all supported
configuration parameters.
- The proxy configuration settings have changed. Please review the [proxy]
section in config.TEMPLATE.inc.php and adapt your settings in config.inc.php
as needed.
been added (default: utf8_general_ci)
New Features
#2493 #6264 #6093: Replace ADODB toolset with Illuminate/Database
#4017 #6536: Send an email to all users with a specific role
#4796: Filter email templates by workflow stage
#5181 #5182 #5183 #5184 #5185 #5986 #5187 #5188 #5189 #5619 #5917 #6038: Accessibility improvements
#5275: Provide averages for editorial statistics
#5388: Submission keywords are not indexed/searchable
#5540: Date formats should allow different configurations for each language
#5565: Allow editors and editorial assistants to preview an article before it is published
#5702: Ability to disable submissions
#5865: Refactor backend UI
#5963: Replace FileWrapper with 3rd-party implementation (Flysystem)
#5982: Filter submissions by assigned editor
#6054: Add a filter by assigned issue to submission lists
#6057: Improve file upload during submission
#6097 #6175 #6223: Introduce Guzzle for HTTP client abstraction
#6146: [OPS] Allow submission search by ORCID ID
#6181: Support text directionality in TinyMCE for RTL languages
#2993: reCaptcha not working from China
#5642: Add CSV-based user export
Bug Fixes
#490: Fix open access notification
#2773: Restore use of browser history for tabbed navigation
#3572: Remove OJS 2.x upgrade tools
#3933: Issues with pages related to subscription
#3948: webfeed Plugin rss2 missing XML namespace and date time issue
#4220: Add BOM (byte order mark) to fix UTF-8 in Excel
#4414: Context path property creates conflict when disable_path_info is enabled
#4895: Use inclusive terminology
#4915: Reviewers’ identities visible to other reviewers in discussion
#4930: Option to hide title of section from issue table of contents broke in default theme
#4991: Add Category to article page
#5090: Remove XML-based locale file fallback
#5121: journals with no custom base_url ignored if at least one journal in an install has one when stats are processed
#5185: Add autocomplete fields to registration and login forms.
#5288: Performance issue using LIMIT and OFFSET in search users query
#5408: Payments tab does not appear when payments are enabled in settings
#5445: Test licenseUrl context setting
#5592: Block plugins and cacheing problem
#5610: Minimal Wording Changes for Emphasis on Preprints
#5772: Add upgrade script to reset array keys for context locales
#5819: Unable to revert “Reject” decision
#5843: User object in payment records for past users null
#5856: Review Form not getting the correct title and description
#5863: Access alert for Submissions with Pre-review discussions of Editorial Team
#5869: Clean up plugin installation error handling
#5878: Review and improve PluginRegistry
#5948: Write integration tests for unpublishing an issue
#5954: Redirect fails when urlPath has been changed
#5961: enabling crossrefReferenceLinking (even master branch) makes doi disappear
#5984: Suggested improvements for About this Publishing System page
#6000: Undefined const SCHEMA_PUBLICATION during upgrade
#6006: DOI/Crossref Cypress Tests
#6007: User roles can be passed to the browser as an object instead of array
#6008: PHP Notice when compiling LESS from a theme plugin
#6011: Imported submissions throw off editorial statistics
#6021: Crossref plugin not receiving title metadata in most recent 3.2.1 testing.
#6022: PostgreSQL upgrade to 3.2.0 resets all submissions to unpublished
#6026: Submission deletion can delete author records in other submissions
#6029: Report Generator doesn’t return any results when custom range is selected with a single day
#6033: Announcements can be viewed even when disabled
#6035: Plugin install does not work across filesystems
#6041: License override formatting error
#6043: Notice about no section editors appears even when section editors exist
#6056: Version number showing Publication ID for authors
#6058: Unread notifications aren’t being shown on the front-end
#6060: If a title prefix is given for a single locale, it is shown with all article title translations
#6064: Text color does not respond to background color selection on mobile
#6067: Submission Checklist - Reordering doesn’t save
#6084: Announcement emails sent blank after upgrade
#6085: Editorial report email with wrong locale
#6095: Include OJS-specific user agent with version number in CrossRef exchanges
#6096: DB field type TEXT is cutting off long content
#6102: Submission::getSectionTitle doesn’t return any value
#6105: Allow capital letters in context urlPath
#6107: “Omit the title of this section from the issue’s Table of Contents” section option does not work
#6111: SQL typo in “browse by authors” feature
#6115: Enable “download all files” in production ready files grid
#6120: OMP Internal Review queries are placed in External Review
#6134: The statistics notification is sent to roles that have no access to the interface
#6145: Move Report Generator out of Tools
#6148: Error for custom blocks in side bar due to automatic name addition
#6165 #6168: Announcement notification issues
#6183: Sitemap does not include articles
#6184: Can’t use array values in theme options
#6189: Problem when submitting reviews
#6196: Fix test/build for changed Google closure compiler installation process
#6203: Revenge of the edit links
#6206: Ensure stage in URL matches file ID
#6207: Ensure that served articles are matched against the request’s context ID
#6212: Quick Submit Plugin notification error problem
#6213: Error in upgrade from OJS 3.1.x to 3.2.x on submissionSubject (controlled vocabulary) data
#6226: CSRF checks missing from import/export plugin upload bounce requests
#6229: Subscription end dates are not inclusive
#6234: Authors should not see the overdue reviews warning in submission lists
#6246: Let iframe use relative URL instead of absolute
#6259: copyrightHolder should be assigned as localized data
#6262: Broken catalog page in OMP with PostgreSQL
#6265: New sample file for Native Import/export
#6269: Submission Hyperlink
#6276: QuickSubmit Plugin: Keywords in a non-primary locale can’t be deleted
#6284: During upgrade to 3.3 email templates’ stage_id is populated before being created
#6300: PHP warning with cancelled reviews
#6301 #6321: Add indexes/optimize SQL for performance
#6320: [OJS] CAST AS CHAR i postgres
#6330: Lens Galley XML views not tracked in usage statistics
#6331: Native citations import doesn’t break citations string into single citations
#6337: Foreign key constraint error during upgrade in review_round_files.submission_file_id
#6350: Problems with enabling/disabling usage event and usage stats plugins from plugin grid
#6359: Submission files migration does not update item_views
#6370: Migration fails upon changing item_views.assoc_id from varchar to bigint
#6381: Remove OJS-specific considerations from pkp-lib
#6382: Resolve PHP warning: SubmissionFileEventLogDAO::getById vs EventLogDAO::getById
#6387: Restore keywords tests
#6390: Issue filter leads to fatal error
#6391: Confusion when article assigned to issue but not scheduled for publication
#6392: Create and delete discussion leads to fatal error
#6393: Author can not access review stage
#6396: Editor can not share files to be reviewed with reviewer
#6397: Use display() instead of fetch() to pass front-end templates to Smarty
#6399: Can not add or edit a category
#6405: cannot create an issue galley
#6406: Unable to pick a year in the advanced filters of the search form
#6408: User-facing category page is inaccessible
#6409: Payments menu does not display when enabled
#6411: Datacite plugin not up to date : different credentials for test site vs prod site
#6414: error when creating a counter AR1 report
#6418: Fix test scripts for MySQL 8.x
#6419: Publication APC Fee indication not present
#6420: Institutional Subscription: failure to add IP-range
#6421: Dependent file upload fails when confirm revision is detected
#6422: ONIXCodelist retrieval fails when running under Windows server
#6426: PHP server freeze and constraint violation when creating/editing issues
#6429: Export users to CSV form loads all user groups
#6439: Adding new roles
#6441 #6442 #6444 #6447 #6448: DOI plugin setting issues
#6451: Can not change journal’s primary language
#6457: Disentangle beacon and upgrade warning disables
#6458: Discussions Grid produces a warning
#6462: Inconsistency in JWT (API key) encoding/decoding
#6467: “Reload defaults” for language invalidates $contextPath variable in “for authors”, “for readers”, etc.
#6478: Remove use of Google Font CDN
#6482: Section editor can upload to unassigned review round
#6483: Default theme exceeds viewport width in some cases
#6495: Incorrect URLs in default context settings
#6502: Missing files break issue table of contents generation
#6503: OAI _getRecordsRecordSet sql query becomes very slow in larger sites
#6509: User subscriptions page is inaccessible
#6510: Non-expiring institutional subscription can’t be added
#6512: web_cache = on does not work in OJS 3.2
#6516: Removing a nav menu item causes an error
#6529: Author can not upload revisions when decision is to resubmit for review
#6542: [OMP] Fix pull forward of submission stages files into Internal Review
#6548: User issue payment unlocks issue globally for users who aren’t logged in
#6559: Can’t mark task notifications as “New” or “Read” or “Delete”
#6564: Changing Journals in multiuser OJS throws a 404 error
#6566: move mEDRA plugin to its own repository, accessible via plugin gallery
#6594: Site-wide fall-back for the privacy notice in Admin > Site Settings not displaying properly
#6615: Submission files referencing nonexistent submissions break upgrade to 3.3
#6616: pkp/pkp-lib#6615 Remove submission_files entries that don’t correspond to existing submissions
#6620: WebFeed plugin missing restriction to published content
#6621: Remote galleys are broken
#6625: two entries in the oai interface after removing a submission from TOC and rescheduling it again
#6232 #6632 #6378: Update 3rd-party dependencies
#6633: Entering a space in journal path breaks site
#6634: Block names aren’t being updated to the lowercase during OJS upgrade
#6638: The fileStages filter of the submission files API is ignored for managers
#6654: The cancel button at the “Change Password” has no purpose
#6668: Public message when not accepting submissions is confusing
#6671: no router object when executing scheduled tasks
#6681: GET request to /contexts API endpoint causes 500 error
Successfully upgraded to version