I have a problem with the links of the galleys in the old files loaded with the “QuickSubmit Plugin” at the time. After updating to if you click on the link it doesn’t take you to the PDF but to the page of another work which in turn if you click again on its PDF takes you to another page. Is this a bug that has already been found? Is it possible to correct it?
Can you clarify what you mean by “old files” - are these galleys from past issues? Perhaps you could provide a link or screenshot to further describe what you’re experiencing?
Hi @rcgillis, sure i’m referring, to the galleys i uploaded in the articles with the “QuickSubmit Plugin”. after updating to version, if you click on the galley of these old articles it doesn’t download the PDF, but it opens me another page of another work, and so on, it’s like the link to the PDF is corrupted.
to make me understand better I invite you to click on this work, and then click on the galley PDF
I see what you mean. What about in the editorial workflow. When you login as journal manager are you able to see the galley associated with the article there - under your back issues? If so, could you share a screenshot showing what you see?
Hi @rcgillis, no strangely in all that issue there does not let me access the workflow, and I am the administrator of the site. I attach the screenshot:
Uf, I thought you are getting the error above in the ‘admin’ UI. I don’t get the error you explained, but see an article. Which is strange as the URL doesn’t contain the article ID at teh end.
I think you might be encountering Article links broken after update to 3.3.0-4 · Issue #6872 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub, which is already fixed in later releases of OJS; I’d recommend upgrading to the latest. (Right now that would be OJS 3.3.0-6, which is database-compatible with OJS 3.3.0-4, so would be a much quicker upgrade than e.g. 3.2.x to 3.3.x.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team