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Hi! The title of the fields inside “Publication” are not translated correctly. If I change the language of my system, the main language works just fine, but if inside the publication i chose to add another language, the second one will translate the titles of all fields to the language name, so if i chose to add “Spanish (Spain)” all fields will have “Spanish (Spain)” as its title.
I am using OJS 3.3.0-15
see that it happens in every section inside “Publication”, not only “Title & Abstract” or “Metadata”
is there any translation file i need to change or create?
Best regards.
Hi @emanuelvtsg,
I think this is actually just a very confusing UI design choice. It makes a little more sense on my installation, where English is the primary language:
The eye reads left to right, so you see English and French equivalents for the same field. It could definitely be improved, but it’s not unworkable.
I think where yours is going clearly wrong is the presentation of the secondary language to the left of the primary. It could well be that we’re doing something silly like sorting them by language name, which causes English to appear before Portuguese, even though Portuguese is the primary language.
We are planning to redesign our multilingual inputs, which will likely solve this implicitly – but I’ll call in others who know more about this than I do.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your answer, Alec!
Actually, this confusing order only happens when both languages are English. Our Journal’s main language is Portuguese, so if i chose Portuguese (other languages also work, like spanish or french), the chosen language will be on the left, and the secondary language will be on the right.
So the titles being the name of the secondary language isn’t a bug properly, right? I thought i was missing some translation. I came here to ask because it was causing some trouble within our Journal with people misunderstanding, but now i get it. Again, thank you for your kind attention!
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