[OJS-3.3.0-14] On click Submission some time ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS


We have 3 journals but one of them is not working properly. If I am clicking on Submission tab then ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS appears some time and other menu items are working properly.

I have disabled/enabled the plugins one by one but the same issue is visible.

No fatal errors have been reported.

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Hi @shantanusingh,

Assuming the three journals are all under the same OJS install: begin by checking your journal SSL; also check your OJS config.inc.php to make sure everything regarding this third journal is in place, as allowed_hosts and base_url; then check the hosted journals, under administration, to make sure everything matches.

Best regards,

I found the error and it is resolved now.
Redirection was not configured properly on the VPS machine.