[OJS] Keyword cloud block error


I have OJS platform installed at version and I am seeing an error in the keyword cloud block. I am checking and I see that the keywords that are displayed in the block on the main page of the journal are not the same as those that are displayed if I enter an article that is already published. I want to know why this behavior occurs and how it is updated or what the behavior of the block is depending on the interface where the user is browsing and how they choose the keywords to display.

In addition to this, when I click on one of these words, it shows me the search engine interface but many articles are displayed that are not from this journal, if not all of them. This must be because I have the Lucene plugin installed and configured for the search engine?

Hi @diegomejia07

The plugin behaves in the same way on all pages that display the word cloud. If you reload the page, you’ll see that it changes the arrangement of the words a little and may change some of the words displayed for another of equal weight.

As for the search when you click on one of the keywords, the Keyword Cloud plugin just uses OJS’s own search and doesn’t interfere with your results.

A plugin that offers the behavior you described is this one:

Do you use it?

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Hi @abadan,

I use the Lucene/Solr plugin for searches. It may be that since this plugin indexes and displays not only the words in searches from a journal, but from the entire platform, it also interferes with the Keyword cloud block.