OJS 3.2 not sending emails and registration module not working properly

Hello, it’s me again…

This time I’m asking for help because our OJS is missbehaving with the emails… anytime one of our editors try to send an email to an autor the system throws the following error:

image in english it says “there was a problem trying to send the message”

and the other problema that we’re having is with our registration module … the users don’t get the email for confirmation, however, the OJS creates the user but we have to activate the user manually from the user/roles module.

Hope you guys can help us!

best regards,


Hi @Juan_Lopez,

Are any emails sending from OJS properly? If not, double-check your SMTP settings in config.inc.php.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

Some emails are working fine … but the majority of them aren’t

Hi @Juan_Lopez,

See: Initial review request emails not received, intermittent - #3 by asmecher

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team