I am having a multi journal page, with many journals. I want only the admin to have the right/permission to choose a theme for all journals so the journal manager will not be able to change the journal’s theme.
Is there any way to set a particular theme for each journal while at the same time I have plenty themes enabled in the administrator panel.
No, that is not possible. The journal manager can set whatever theme wants.
Regards, Primož
Thank you very much for your quick response.
I would like to mention that
By creating a child-theme for the journal, You can simply override the website.tpl file.
So inside the file by bring this part of code at this form:
{* display the theme theme form only to administrator *}
{if $userRoles[0]==1}
<tab id=“theme” label="{translate key=“manager.setup.theme”}">
You can display the the “select theme” form only to the administrator.
So only the admin will be able to change theme if needed.
What do you think about this approach?