OJS 3.2 API: missing country in json output

Describe the issue or problem
Using OJS 3.2 publications api we noticed that coutry is missing, despite is declared in documentation as included in the output.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
We used the api https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/consonanze/api/v1/submissions/10647/publications/9687 and checked in backoffice and xml export that this article has the country (see images)

What application are you using?
OJS 3.2.1-2

Additional information

Hi @rcgillis, any hint on this?
Best regards

Hi @bolelligallevi,

Sorry, I don’t know about this one - I’ve asked our team to weigh in on it when they have a chance.

PKP Team

Hi @bolelligallevi,

I’ve created a GitHub issue to address this problem here: Missing author country in the API output · Issue #8945 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

If you’d like to fix on your own, you need to access the file lib/pkp/schemas/author.json and add the attribute "apiSummary": true to the properties.country:


Jonas Raoni

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