[OJS] Reviewers can see author name in review files in ojs 3.2


Reviewing some of the submissions within the OJS platform. I see that reviewers can see author name in review files, and this is a problem for Double Blind review within the journal. The reviewer only has the role of reviewer in the journal.


  • Review:


I want to know how can I hide this author name in review files.

Hi @diegomejia07,

Are you able to edit the file name at all, as the Editor? We have recommendations for removing identifying information here: Editorial Workflow

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis,

But the OJS platform shouldn’t make the change by itself, when passing the document to review, or that’s what I’ve seen should happen.

I did some tests with a test journal, and when passing the document that the author sends and that has the author username in his name, the platform changes the name of the document and puts or precedes it with the words Article Text. As you can see in the following images:

When the document is in the submission stage, you can see the username in the document name:


But when it is in the review stage, the platform changes it and precedes it with the words Article Text:


What I want to know is why this does not happen in some journals sent from my platform. As you can see in this submission:



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Hi @diegomejia07,

You may want to see the discussions taking place on Github here: Improve Filename Conventions for Downloaded Files as Part of Submission · Issue #4957 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub - this topic is currently under discussion/review for how it should be improved in future versions of OJS.

PKP Team

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