Thank you to all who assisted with my problem previously.
Currently, we successfully restored our OJS installation to with all of the data intact in the SQL tables, files stored locally on our server, and are able to proceed as per usual with our publications without any major problems. However, we are noticing an odd issue that I’m not sure how to proceed with.
When we attempt to create a new issue of one of our journals and attach the submissions we created within that journal, the submission then shows up with the name and information from another one of the journals that is completely unrelated to the journal we’re working with.
Additionally, the previous issues that were published are showing the full Galley image for the full journal issue but not the individual articles, table of contents, or other information. I’m not sure if that’s a setting that needs to be adjusted, fixed in the administration menu, or an SQL value fix that I’m not familiar with (as evidenced by my previous topics).
Any assistance from the community on this, or a point in the right direction, would be much appreciated.
Thank you.