The debug option won’t help – in fact it’ll probably prevent your installation from working. If your server keeps a separate web server error log (e.g. Apache error log), you might also try looking there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
My error log is not showing any error from this… in the meantime I did the editorial process all over again for the article that was presenting the problem.
I’ll be in touch if this happens again in the future.
This might be issue #5740 – I’d suggest trying the database query suggested there. But please do take a complete database backup before doing that, just in case.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
UPDATE publication_galleys SET file_id = NULL WHERE file_id IN (SELECT pg.file_id FROM publication_galleys pg LEFT JOIN submission_files sf ON (pg.file_id = sf.file_id) WHERE pg.file_id IS NOT NULL AND sf.file_id IS NULL);
The 0 values are probably not the issue (those probably correspond to remote galleys, I think). The rest of them, however, seem to be missing files and should be corrected. But yes, take a backup first.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team