Good Morning,
Logged in as an administrator viewing the published numbers or the next numbers, giving it to edit, I do not see the articles that are already part of them.
This did not happen in previous versions of OJS 3
Hi @mfernandez,
I’m not sure I understand what you’re seeing; can you provide a screenshot?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, this show 2 elements:
and this show anything:
Hi @mfernandez,
Would you be comfortable sending me a copy of your database to test with? Are these submissions that were started in a prior version of OJS and then upgraded to 3.2.0?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am also facing same issue, there are articles in my currently published issue, but table of contents is blank.
published article
table of content
If there are no article showing in table of content, then reordering them would not be possible.
Hi @asmecher
The submission have been made directly in this version of OJS, I install this version to test it.
Sorry, I can´t send you a copy of my database.
Hi @adem – would you be willing to send me a copy of your database?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, I’m seeing the same issue with a test database; both with existing articles and issues that have been upgraded from OJS-3.1.2, and with newly articles and issues created in OJS-3.2. If it can be of any help, I could provide you with a copy (if you could tell me what’s the best way of doing so).
Hi @rvdb / all,
Any way is fine – e.g. a private message with a link to a file in Google Drive.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi all,
Thanks, @rvdb –
I’ve filed this at Manager's Table of Contents grid does not list unpublished submissions · Issue #5635 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and will be publishing a patch shortly. If anyone could confirm whether the patch works for them, it would be helpful!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thanks alec, it is working fine now.
Hi all,
Thanks for confirming! Watch for a new build of OJS to be released late this week – it’ll be called OJS 3.2.0-1.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi everyone,
I’m sorry for the confusion this has caused. There is a new publishing workflow in 3.2 and this requires a small change in how you schedule submissions for publication. After selecting the issue and saving that change, you’ll then need to click the “Schedule for Publication” button.
A submission won’t appear in an issue’s table of contents until its been scheduled for publication, and the status will change to “Scheduled”. We created a short video to guide editors through these changes.
This new workflow allows us to introduce a UI for pre-publication checks. But it has caused some confusion. After initial UX tests we identified this as a problem and have filed an issue to make this clearer in the future.
Sorry again for all of the confusion around this.
Hi @asmecher,
We’ve now updated our test instance to OJS-, and the scheduled articles are now correctly listed in the TOC for upcoming issues.
Yet, there seems to be one more quirk, for articles that have been assigned to an issue (in the “Issue” tab under the Publication settings for an article) but not yet scheduled for publication. This is how articles that had been scheduled for publication in the OJS-3.1 version of the database seem to come out after the database upgrade to
In the “Issues” tab, these articles are listed in the “Items” count:
Yet, the Issue TOC is empty:
Only when those articles are scheduled for publication in this issue, they are listed correctly in the TOC. I don’t know if this is expected behaviour or a bug?
Hi adem, I facing same problem. did you find the solution?
We had the same problem. After debugging some codes we figured out that copyrights of articles are missing and we overwrite the information such as copyright holder, copyright year and url in the publication window. That worked for us.