I’ve noticed that “Primary Contact” authors are now being listed as first authors regardless of where they are in the contributor list.
This occurs on the journal homepage, the article summary and in the “How to cite” plugin/export citation files.
In the submission dashboard, the submission is now described as “Corresponding Author et al.”, but under the publication → contributors tab, the authors are listed in their proper order (i.e. first author, second author, third author).
It looks like authors who are marked “Primary Contact” are being promoted to first author, regardless of their position in the contributor list, because when the first author is the “Primary Contact”, then the authors are listed in the correct order.
I have tried clearing caches and resetting to the default theme (I normally use Health Sciences), but this does not have any effect. Has anyone else run into this problem or know how to fix it?
Hi @shaun
I can confirm that. My system is doing similar things. But not only showing authors in the wrong order but also NOT showing the authors at all for some publications.
I haven’t found the rule for it, yet.
I’ve filed this at Issues · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub there will be a patch there to resolve it shortly. Note that we’ll probably be releasing an OJS 3.2.0-1 build next week to address a few issues like this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team