Hi everyone, I have found the following error when I tried to upload an image through the Custom Block Manager editor

I have reviewed my error_log file on my server, but there is nothing about the error. I have reviewed the directory which the images are stores, exists and has the right permissions to write within it and I have reviewed the space on disk, there is about 4 GB available.
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?, The version of OJS is and these are the features of my server:
PHP 7.2.22
Apache 2.4.6
Best regards.
Hi @juancure,
What do you have set for public_user_dir_size
in your config.inc.php
configuration file?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I am also facing the same issue. I have not made any changes to public_user_dir_size. It is set at 5000. My other journal too is set at 5000 which is working fine. However, newer one (with another domain and hosting plan) is showing the error stated by @juancure
I am using OJS
Hi @asmecher I have checked that variable has 0 as value. I’ve never edited that value on the config.inc.php.
As I believed that something with the code could be the cause, I decided using a clean code from the tar.gz file for my OJS version, and that worked to me.