My journal recently updated to OJS An editor sometimes runs into an issue of not being able to find a reviewer. I managed to fix it by using the journal manager users & roles interface to find the reviewer, open their profile and save it (in one case, I added interests, in another I did not thing except open and save.
Before: searching for the user either to directly add a reviewer or to enroll an existing user as a reviewer, starting from Add Reviewer, resulted in no one found if I searched on name.
After “editing” the profile: user found starting from Add Reviewer and searching for their name.
I am not sure how consistently this happens as the update was recent and these assignments are to papers that were under review before the upgrade.
I suspect the users have registered with the system (i.e. they have created user accounts), but have not indicated that they want to be a reviewer in your journal, thus do not have a reviewer role assignment. These reviewers can self-assign a reviewer role through their user profile, or it’ll be up to a journal manager or administrator to edit the user account and assign a reviewer role.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I thought of that but no: even when they are registered as reviewers, I have to edit their profile and save it to make them visible, even without changing anything.
Best guess: the update to the current version broke something in the DB.
I’d suggest checking to see what you change in the database when you save the user account. Look for the user_id in the users, user_settings, and user_user_groups tables, before and after you save the account.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This is a simple error (more exactly - multiple errors) of OJS 3.2.x. In our case we experienced the same problem by upgrading from OJS 3.1.2 to 3.2.1.
Now it is required that reviewers should have a record in user_settings with setting_name = “affiliation”. If not such record - a reviewer is not shown in the selection list. N.B. - the record may be empty.
Error 1: Despite “Affiliation” is required to register as a new user, furthermore, it is not an obligatory field, if a user edits its profile.
Error 2: If a user edits own profile, “Affiliation” may be empty and no setting is inserted into user_settings table. In a Journal Manager edits user data, an empty record is inserted into user_settings table.
Error 3: In older versions, “Affiliation” could be empty - but it is now obligatory. During the DB conversion, in such cases no empty records are inserted for “Affilation”.
I fixed this bug by inserting the missing empty records using the following script:
insert into user_settings(user_id, locale, setting_name, assoc_id, setting_value, setting_type, assoc_type)
select distinct(user_id), “en_US”, “affiliation”, 0, “”, “string”, 0 from user_settings where user_id not in (select user_id from user_settings where setting_name=“affiliation”);